Danone Opens HQ in Chiswick Business Park

Food company moving consumer goods business to new Building 7


Chiswick Park Close To Completion

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The new building in Chiswick Business Park has signed up its first major tenant.

Danone is to base its Fast Moving Consumer Goods businesses in Building 7, the largest and last block to be completed in the development. Another wing of their business remains based in Trowbridge in Wiltshire.

According to Property Week Magazine they have signed a deal for a 10-year-lease for 42,000 sq ft on the fifth and sixth floors of the 334,000 sq ft building which was completed last year.

The French food company which has its roots in Barcelona in 1919 when Isaac Carasso introduced yoghurt from the Balkans. After the Second World War the company moved its main base of operation to France and expanded to become a major global food company.

We have asked Danone for a comment but have yet to receive a reply.

January 15, 2016

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