Cafe Conversations Resume |
All ages and backgrounds welcome
The Chiswick Cafe Conversations, set up by local resident Louise Kaye, have attracted interest from people from a range of backgrounds and ages. Louise says that she is delighted with the numbers who have attended coffee and conversation sessions in both Avanti restaurant and Grove Park cafe, and is hoping that more people will come along. If you work alone from home, or are living far from home and are bit homesick, or you are between jobs, or caring for someone and need a break, or have been under the weather but feel well enough to get out for a couple of hours. Whatever the reason a change of scene and interacting with others would do you good - come along for lively, interesting conversation about a variety of topics and ideas (not politics) with friendly people. Don't make excuses - it costs nothing, give it a try! Every MONDAY at 3:00 at Avanti, Bedford Corner W4 1LD - starting again on 14 January Every WEDNESDAY
at 2:50 at Cafe Grove, 7 Grove Park Road W4 3RS starting again on 16 January
December 29, 2018