The Green Days Bake Off Competition

Sumptuous sponges or cakes on a royal theme


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Chiswick bakers young and old are invited to don their pinnies and start sifting, beating, whipping, whisking, creaming, screaming, dicing, slicing and icing to create their very best confection for this hotly contested competition at the 50th Bedford Park Festival.

On Saturday June 11th cakes should be brought to the Leiths School of Food & Wine stand on the Green by 12 noon together with a completed entry form, a list of ingredients ( no nuts please ), and the entry fee of £3 per cake. There are as usual two categories as follows, both divided into bakers aged 16 and under, and bakers aged 17 and over. You can also fill in the for on the day.

1) sumptuous sponges, Victoria, lemon, chocolate or coffee, approx 8 inches and
2) novelty cakes on a Royal theme.

You can interpret the novelty theme in any way you choose, so let your imagination run riot and see what sort of majestic delights you can create! Mouthwatering prizes from our sponsors, Whisk and Leiths School of Food & Wine, will be awarded to the outstanding entry in each age group for each category.

Please complete an entry form for each cake, and bring them, together with a list of ingredients (no nuts) and the £3 entry fee (per cake) to the Leiths School of Food & Wine stall at Green Days on Saturday 11th June 2016 by 12pm. Judging at 1pm. The judge’s decision is final.

Age: 16 and under (please state age)……… Over 16 (please tick)………………

Category: Sponge Cake (please tick)…………… Novelty Cake (please tick)…………..
Please write clearly in BLOCK CAPITALS


Phone no……………………………………………………

Email address………………………………………………………………….

All cakes entering the Great Green Days Bake Off will be sold in aid of charity.

June 3, 2016

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