Chiswick Primary Schools Excel Again Another set of excellent results at Key Stage 2 The recently published results for the Key Stage 2 exams taken this summer show another good performance from local schools. Most schools were well above the national average and showed improvement over last year. The most notable improvement was from Cavendish School which saw a massive jump in the number of children achieving level 4 at Key Stage 2. This confirms the view of many parents at the school that last year's relatively poor result was down to the intake of pupils from the failed Hogarth School. The results show Hounslow Borough as one of the LEAs which is adding the most value. The Borough's value added score was 4th highest out of 150 LEAs. The score, which was introduced for all LEAs this year, highlights the achievements of pupils who achieve better results than expected on the basis of their Key Stage 1 results. Hounslow’s figure of 100.8, against an average of 100, means that pupils across Hounslow are making better progress at Primary school level than pupils in 145 of England’s 150 LEAs. All Chiswick schools in the borough "added value" by this measure with St. Mary's having the highest score of 102.6 John Chatt, Leader of Hounslow Council, said, “In Hounslow we always knew that we have some of the best schools and the best teaching in the country but the tables could never show it. Now that the tables include Value Added scores it is obvious that schools in the borough are delivering where it matters; in the classroom. Teachers, parents and pupils should feel proud of their achievements.” As well as adding value the figures also show a high degree of excellence in local schools. For the first time the percentage of children achieving level 5, the level expected of 13 year olds was published. At Belmont School over half the children achieved this level and at St. Mary's 79% of results were above level 5. Only 200 primaries in the country managed to achieve an average pass rate of over 66% at this level. The Key Stage Two figures relate to exams taken during the summer of 2003, in English, Maths and Science for 11 year olds.
* Note: in 2002 many local schools took pupils from Hogarth School which closed the previous year so the results are not necessarily representative